An Introduction to a certain Peter
The clouds parted on that cold, weary night, like most nights at sea. The waves danced past ships and gleaming vessels, and the wind whipped cold at every heart and sailor. A short way off past a far and wither star lay a large island known to few. It’s hidden meadows and caves creeped with the livelihood of the mysterious living. In a far distance, we see a large, ominous craft, fairer than any vessel that might sail around here.
The inhabitants of the island know the ship dangerously well, and was personally connected to its famous captain, James Hooke. When you take a look closer, you can see that the ship had been caught in a trench, its sails flapping in the stormy gale.“SMEE!”
“I’m comin’, Captain!” The pudgy, round fellow swerved like a walrus on ice skates to avoid the pummel of waves and sailors abroad. “Yes, Captain?”
“Apparently, the lookout has been tossed overboard!” Hooke caterwauled above the rage, “I need you to go up and search for Neverland!”
“Yes, sir! Right away, sir!” Smee gulped inwardly and searched up in the darkness for the climbing rope. Just my luck I’d be put up in the Nest during this storm, he thought, and pulled his figure up onto the rope ladder.
After successfully pulling himself into the small, barrel-like Nest, Smee looked about for any sight of the island. In this storm, it would be hard to tell, but the Star was equally bright tonight and Smee looked just southward before he spotted–
“LAND! AHOY!” He screeched down to the teetering ship. He now realized how high up he was from the deck, and the very sight made a wave of nausea roll over him.
The ship continued to struggle against the downpour, hoisting it’s battered sails against the gale, and being tossed to and fro by waves. However, if you would look high in the sky, even above the wet, thundering clouds, you would see a black shape, silhouetting the shining sky.
The shape of a boy.
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